AgriVoltaics World Conference

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission for the AgriVoltaics World Conference 2025 is closed.

The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection upon completion of the review process.

  • All presentations are to be held on-site at the conference, an online presentation is not possible.
  • The presenting author of the abstract must register and pay the conference fee by May 15. If the designated presenter has not registered by then, the presentation will be removed from the program.

Submission Guidelines

Please read the instructions in the abstract template carefully before submitting your abstract. Only abstracts submitted on time will be considered. The abstract should clearly explain the significance of the work. Your research must be novel, of high quality, and make a significant contribution to knowledge in one of the conference topics.

In case you are unfamiliar with the online submission process, we recommend that you submit your abstract well before the deadline in order to avoid any last-minute complications. Depending on the decision of the Scientific Committee, you may be invited to give an oral presentation or to present a poster at the conference. The conference language is English.

The guidelines, which also serve as a template for the abstract, can be found here:

Abstract Template & Guidelines

Review Process

All abstracts will be subject to a detailed review process by the Scientific Committee. Review criteria include:

  • Suitability for the topic. Does the abstract fit into the topic? Abstracts with inappropriate content or commercial advertising will be rejected.
  • Quality of research goals. Appropriately selected and documented methods, logical presentation, and analysis of results, findings, inferences and conclusions.
  • Novelty and significance of the work and implications for practice, policy or further research. Only those papers will be considered for oral presentation where significant results are already documented in the abstract, in order to avoid a situation where the "promise of the abstract" cannot be fulfilled.
  • Standard of writing, clear and logical presentation, appropriate style, free of errors, easy to read, correct grammar and spelling, adherence to length and format specifications.

Following the review process, accepted abstracts will be published in the AgriVoltaics World Conference 2025 Internal Area on the Fourwaves platform, accessible only to registered participants.

Please note that acceptance of your abstract does not guarantee publication of the paper in the conference proceedings. All papers will be subject to a separate review process.