AgriVoltaics World Conference

Review Process

The AgriVoltaics conference papers will undergo scientific peer review and a formatting check. A paper is accepted for publication if it successfully passes the following stages:

  1. Plagiarism check
  2. Scientific review (first round)
  3. Scientific review (second round)
  4. Layout check

Review criteria for full papers

  • Quality of research goals: Appropriately chosen and documented methods, logical presentation and analysis of results, findings, inferences and conclusions.
  • Originality: The measure of the creativity or inventiveness of the author, including new concepts, techniques, and methods.
  • Significance: The importance or worth of the reported work.
  • Completeness: The oneness or wholeness of the work. In this usage, the reported work should be marked by a unity and continuity of parts and show interdependence between these parts.
  • Acknowledgment: The adequate and accurate use of references to attribute the work of others.
  • Organization: The careful planning and logical structure of the manuscript.
  • Clarity: Standard of writing, correctness of English spelling and grammar, as well as the clear presentation of tables, graphs, and illustrations, clear and logical presentation, appropriate style, lack of errors, ease of reading, conformance with specifications for length and format details.
  • Scientific content: Papers for the proceedings must contain new results that are not published before in the same way. The content of the paper has to follow general guidelines of scientific papers. Publishing papers that consist merely of a collection of slides with a few sentences added in between is not acceptable. The content must be well presented in a consistent manner, assumptions have to be mentioned, conclusions must be supported by experimental or theoretical results, figures have to be explained in the text, references must be made where appropriate.
  • Formatting: The specified paper template must be used. Papers which do not meet the requirements of the template won’t be accepted and cannot be published.

Depending on the quality of the paper, the author will be asked by the reviewer to make revisions before the final publication.