Technical Tour 2 - The "Fruity Tour"
To Nußbach and Augustenberg
11:30 - 18:30
This tour will visit two stations:
1. Fruit farm “Vollmer” – Oberkirch-Nußbach
The facility was built in 2022 at the farm of family Vollmer in a well-known German fruit-growing region “Ortenau”. The site is part of the "Model Region Agrivoltaics Baden-Württemberg" project and consists of three PV systems where five different fruit varieties are grown, analyzed, and marketed. The agronomic analyses are carried out by researchers at LTZ Augustenberg. Furthermore, the sun tracking system is being further developed to meet the requirements of fruit growing, based on the shading calculations of the Fraunhofer ISE and in cooperation with the LTZ Augustenberg. The Vollmers hope that agrivoltaics will help them to continue their fruit growing business, not only by improving the quality and yield of their fruit, but also by providing economic security by marketing the generated electricity.
- Area: 15,000 m2
- Systems: overhead system with monofacial PV modules, single-axis tracking system with monofacial PV modules and overhead system with semitransparent PV modules
- Crops: apple, pear, plum, kiwi berry and blackberry (conventional cultivation)
- Installed capacity: 840 kWp
2. Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum (LTZ) Augustenberg – Karlsruhe
The research facility is part of the "Model Region Agrivoltaics Baden-Württemberg" project and was built in 2024 at the LTZ Augustenberg, a research center focusing on many aspects of crop cultivation, and protection. Six scab-resistant apple varieties and two pear varieties are grown organically under two different PV systems fully netted against flying insects. Researchers at LTZ Augustenberg are focusing on the health and growth of the trees under the PV modules, as well as fruit set and fruit quality (color, size, nutritional value). In addition, the combination of PV modules and netting will be evaluated for its effect on the incidence of pests and diseases.
- Area: 10,000 m2
- Systems: overhead system with semi-transparent PV modules, single-axis tracking system with bifacial PV modules
- Crops: apple and pear (organic cultivation)
- Installed capacity: 490 kWp