AgriVoltaics World Conference

AgriVoltaics 2022


Stefano Amaducci (UNICATT, Italy)


Scientific Committee:

Alessandra Scognamiglio (Enea, Italy);

Alessandro Agostini (ENEA, Italy);

Anna Heimsath (Fraunhofer ISE, Germany);

Asin Luis (Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology, Spain);

Christine Lamanna (ICRAF, Kenya);

David Jung (Fraunhofer, Chile);

Didier Combes (INRAè, France);

Frank de Ruijter (Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands);

Greg Barron-Gafford (University of Arizona, USA);

Harry Wirth (Fraunhofer ISE, Germany);

Iris Lewandowski (University of Hohenheim, Germany);

Jan Capelle (KU Leuven, Belgium);

Makoto Tajima (ISEP, Japan);

Max Trommsdorff (Fraunhofer ISE, Germany);

Michele Colauzzi (UNICATT, Italy);

Ori Ben-Herzel (MIGAL, Israel);

Richard Randle-Boggis (University of Sheffield, UK);

Soo-Young Oh (Yeungnam University, Korea);

Thierry Simoneau (INRAè, France);

Wen Liu (University of Science and Technology of China, China).